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繼綠能空調後, 初芝又開發完成業界第一部線上監控可用交流電或是使用儲能電池與太陽能(/風力/水力)為輸入電源的DC變頻綠能冷氣! 利用高科技可節電30%並且已通過能源一級認證, 現已申請能源局節能標章中, 為環保盡一份心力!最值得一提的是可以讓班班有冷氣一開就冷且保證不會全國跳電! 更重要的是不用市電讓台電不用蓋新電廠, 中火也不用火力全開避免用肺發電了! 更給力的是大家不怕大停電沒冷氣無法營業! 希望大家幫我們按讚分享, 節能環保省電費又能保護環境, 有遠見的ESG企業與用電大戶趕快參考用以平衡台電契約容量免去合約處罰, 一起來救救下一代吧, 感謝!



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本公司繼藍芽電池偵測器之後再推出更接近客戶需求的新一代產品: 二代目電力守護員. 它是接在汽車電池上的一個盒子, 除了原始功能透過手機APP主動通知您的愛車電池即將失效趕快換新, 避免沒電顧路等候拖吊車耗時費錢以及危險之外, 更加新增利用脈衝波科技讓電池可以延長一倍壽命! 保證延壽有效, 無效退費!

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Blue Tooth Battery Monitor
Connect the positive and negative wires of the product to the
Anode(positive) and Cathode(Negative) of the battery, then scan
the QRcode printed on the device with your mobile phone and
install it. The device is a smart power detection device that
monitor whether the battery is normal or not and show the result
to your mobile phone. The device determine the whether battery
normal or not by gauge the battery voltage, then active notify the
owner through voice or vibration via the mobile phone.
Intelligent interface
Battery voltage detection
Clear graphical images shows the current battery voltage is
working properly or not, and instantly display the battery current
Active reminder function
This product is built-in active reminder function, when the
battery voltage is abnormal, under the Bluetooth connection
environment, there will be yellow / red triangular warning signs
shown on the mobile phone screen and vibration and warning
sounds remind users of bad batteries Will impact the ignition of
Dual batteries monitoring function
This product can connect up to 2 batteries in a vehicle at the
same time, can monitor up to 6 vehicles. For users with more
than one vehicle, you can monitor the voltage status of multiple
vehicle batteries on one mobile phone, and give each device a
different name. Each name contain no more than 12 characters
Battery types adopted
Can choose to monitor lead-acid batteries or lithium-iron
Battery Management System
Through the battery management function bar, you can enter the
battery installation date and vehicle mileage and battery model
info when installing a new battery, to facilitate customers
compare the battery warranty time, and mileage maintenance
Language features
Built-in 8 languages including traditional Chinese, Simplified
Chinese, English, French, German, Japanese, Korean, Spanish,
the language will automatically change font settings
Other features:
1. Positive and negative reverse polarity protection,
2. Waterproof Seal enclosure
Dimension: Length51 X Width31 X Height 12 mm Wire 220mm
Input voltage: 9V-21V
Max. Current: 3A
Working Temperature: -10~80°C
NCC License: CCAJ16LP6920T8SS
Taiwan New Type Patent: M521563
China New Type Patent: 5110892



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LED抗藍光防護網─初芝科技股份有限公司 http://www.hatsushiba.com.tw/_tw/index.php


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